Multi-scale temporal features of the 14 July 2000 meter-wavelength dynamic radio spectrum compared with the TRACE data,

by I.M. Chertok, V.V. Fomichev,  A.A. Gnezdilov, R.V. Gorgutsa, V.V. Grechnev, A.K. Markeev, R.W. Nightingale, and D.E. Sobolev

Fig. 1.  SOHO/EIT (a) and LASCO/C2 (b) images show the region of the eruptive flare event of 14 July 2000 and related halo CME. The compressed inverted IZMIRAN dynamic radio spectrum in 05:50-13:00 UT interval (c) and extracted time-intensity profiles (d) at 58 MHz (right axis) and 86 MHz (left axis) display large-scale restructuring of the noise storm associated with the event: sharp weakening of the pre-existing noise storm in the 75-100 MHz range and some intensification of  radio emission at lower frequencies. The horizontal stripes are interferences from TV and radio stations.

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